Thursday, December 16, 2010

SIC(sharing is caring): Carcinogen dalam ayam panggang mungkin memudharatkan lagi keadaan Kanser Payudara

Carcinogen in Grilled Chicken May Worsen Breast Cancer
posted 10/29/10

Satu unsur karsinogen (pencetus/penyebab kanser) dalam ayam panggang mungkin memudharatkan lagi keadaan kanser payudara, berdasarkan 1 kajian baru. Dlam bulan isu Toksikologi bulan Oktober,  penyelidik2 Imperial College London  berkongsi keputusan dari  penyelidikan merawat sel kanser payudara manusia dengan PhIP, salah satu kumpulan  karsinogen itu dikenali sebagai heterocyclic amines. PhIP ini kerap dijumpai pada daging panggangan atau bakar( grilled and barbecued) terutamanya ayam(sate ayam yang kita selalu makan?? ayam golek?? hu hu :((... 

Para penyelidik mendapati walau dalam dosej yang sedikit PhIP, boleh menyebabkan sel-sel mengeluarkan sifat menawan ekstraselular (exhibit extracellular invasive behavior). sifat menawan atau menakluk ini bertambah dengan pertambahan dosej  PhIP, dengan sesetengah dosej  PhIP ini melepasi kawalan positifl, 17B-estradiol, hormon estrogen yang paling biasa/umum. Estrogen ialah penggalak utama sel kanser payudara

Sate memang menyelerakan
Penulis juga membuat kesimpulan bahawa  PhIP bukan sahaja 'penyangak utama' kepada kaner payudara kerana keupayaannya merosakkan  DNA, juga  meningkatkan sel kanser payudara menjadi metastatic,  menambah masalah kepada keadaan semasa penyakit tersebut.

Lauber SN, Gooderham NJ. The cooked meat-derived mammary carcinogen 2-amino-1-methyl-6- phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine promotes invasive behaviour of breast cancer cells. Toxicology. Published ahead of print October 15, 2010. doi:10.1016/j.tox.2010.10.004

English Version:

Carcinogen in Grilled Chicken May Worsen Breast Cancer
posted 10/29/10

A carcinogen found in grilled chicken may worsen breast cancer, according to new research. In the October issue of Toxicology, Imperial College London researchers shared results of a study treating human breast cancer cell lines with PhIP, one of a group of carcinogens called heterocyclic amines. PhIP is commonly found in grilled and barbecued meats, especially chicken. The researchers found that very small doses of PhIP caused the cells to exhibit extracellular invasive behavior. The invasiveness of the cells increased with increasing doses of PhIP, with some doses of PhIP surpassing the positive control, 17B-estradiol, the most common form of estrogen. Estrogen is a major promoter of breast cancer cells.

The authors concluded that PhIP is not only a potent breast cancer culprit due to its ability to damage DNA, but could also increase the likelihood that breast cancer cells will become metastatic, worsening existing disease.

Lauber SN, Gooderham NJ. The cooked meat-derived mammary carcinogen 2-amino-1-methyl-6- phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine promotes invasive behaviour of breast cancer cells. Toxicology. Published ahead of print October 15, 2010. doi:10.1016/j.tox.2010.10.004


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fauna from My Lense...

Ikan Kelisa / Dragon Fish/Arowana(Osteoglossum bicirrhosum)

Iguana (Iguana iguana)

Memerang / Otter(Aonyx cinerea)

Kucing / Cat(Felix domestica)