Friday, March 25, 2011


Sekalung Tahniah dan Syabas diucapkan kepada calon-calon SPM tahun 2010 di atas kejayaan yang telah diperolehi. Peratus gred subjek Biologi yang mencapai cemerlang meningkat kepada 38.5%, iaitu peningkatan sebanyak 21.0%. Ini bermakna peratus cemerlang Biologi untuk tahun 2010 merupakan yang kedua terbaik, selepas tahun 2007(39.1%).


Aishah bt Mohamed - 5AK
Nur Amirah bt Ab Rahman - 5AK
Nur Amalina bt Ismail - 5IR
Nur Liyana bt Abd Rahim - 5IS


Nashrah bt Mohd Rahimi - 5AK
Nur Fatin Nadhirah bt Sulaiman - 5AK
Nur Zahirah bt Abd Rani - 5AK
Siti Ummira bt Md Said - 5AK
Syahirah bt Abdol Razak - 5AK
Noorul Syafiqah bt Baharom - 5AK
Nora Izatie bt Zailan - 5AK
Siti Aishah bt Hasrul Sani - 5AK
Syaza Jamilah Inani bt Jaafar - 5AK
Syazwani bt Mansor - 5AK
Nurul Huda bt Borhan - 5IR
Nur Ain bt Zafruddin - 5IK
Nur Amalina bt Omar - 5IK
Nur Afiqah bt Marzuki - 5IK
Ummi Nasrah bt Talib - 5IK
Nur Shyafinash bt Atan - 5IS
Noor Aqillah bt Majid - 5IS
Aisyah Nur Hamidah bt Zailani - 5IS
Nur Shazila bt Shakri - 5IS
Nur Amira Munira bt Zainuddin - 5IS
Ummi Athirah bt Zamri - 5IS

Semoga kejayaan ini menjadi pembakar semangat dan meningkatkan kekentalan jiwa pelajar-pelajar lain, khususnya kepada calon-calon SPM 2011 untuk menempuh onak duri dalam langkah yang diatur selepas ini, insya Allah.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do You know Guttation?

Guttation is a secretion of fluid from a plant's leaf that comes onto the surface of the leaf out of specialized pores called hydrathodes.

This process happens when the surrounding humidity in the air is high, the soil moisture is high and the rate of transpiration (evaporation) is low. Plants enclosed in a terrarium will sometimes exhibit this phenomenon.

When the water being secreted contains minerals in the solution, like calcium, it will leave a whitish crust on the surface of the leaf when it dries.

These are some pistographs to show the guttation phenomenon... 

Guttation : Strawberry plants

Root pressure is probably the main cause of guttation. Active absorption of water by the roots and the development of root pressure with low rate of transpiration results in guttation.

Structure of hydathode

Hydathodes or water stomata are special stomata found at the margin and tips of the leaves where the main veins ends. Each hydathode has a pore which always remain open. The pore leads to a small cavity, the stomatal chamber followed by a group of loosely arranged cells called epithem. These cells are in close contact with xylem endings of veins.