Dear Everybody...

Biology... = the study of life...

Lets explore our life in the interesting and enjoyable subject...
B I O L O G Y . . .

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Skema Jawapan Ujian 1 Tkn 4

1. C 11.C
2. B 12.C
3. D 13.D
4. D 14.A
5. B 15.B
6. A 16.C
7. A 17.C
8. B 18.B
9. A 19.D
10.D 20.B
1. a) K = liver
L = stomach 4 correct – 2 m
M = duodenum 2 or 3 correct – 1 m
N = ileum (small intestine – REJECT) 1 only correct – 0 m
b) Cell à Tissue à Organ à System à Organism -------------------------- 1 m
c) Shoot system --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1m
List the organ : leaf / flower / bud / stem / shoot / fruit ------ (any 2) ---- 2 m
Root system ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 m
List the organ : root / root hair ------------------------------------------------ 2 m
d) i) Nervous system / Integumentary system /
Circulatory system / Muscular system /
Endocrine system ----------------------------------------- (any 2) ---- 2 m
ii) Nervous system – detect the changes(increases or decreases) of
Integumentary system – stop or increase sweating process.
Circulatory system – blood vessel(arteriole) will either constrict
(vasoconstriction) or dilate(vasodilation).
Muscular system – hair erector muscle will either contract to raise the
hairs or relax to lower the hairs.
Endocrine system – secrete more or less adrenaline / thyroxine hormone.
* any 2 correct explanation ------------- 2 m
2. a) X = phospholipid bilayer ------------------------------------------- 1 m
Y = carrier protein --------------------------------------------------- 1 m
Z = pore / channel protein ------------------------------------------ 1 m
b) i) 1. hydrophilic head ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 m
2. hydrophobic tail ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 m
ii) Characteristic : semi permeable / selectively permeable membrane ---- 1 m
Explanation : a membrane that allows only certain molecules /
substances / particles to pass through it -------------------- 1 m
iii) Main function :
Acts as a barrier between the internal & external environment of the cell //
Allows only specific molecules to pass through it //
Provide the structural basis for all cell membrane -------(any 1) --------- 1 m
c) i) Simple diffusion ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 m
ii) Example :
· F1 : Gasses exchange at alveolus / body cells/tissues ---------------- 1 m
P1 - Oxygen that is in higher concentration at the alveolus
compare to in the blood capillary,
P2 - (so) Oxygen will diffuse from the alveolus to the blood
P3 - Carbon dioxide that is more concentrated in the blood
capillary compare to in the alveolus
P4 - (so) Carbon dioxide will diffuse from the blood capillary to
the alveolus
F1 + any 2P --------------------------------------------------------------- 2 m
3 m
* similar explanation for at body cell/tissue
· F2 : Gasses exchange in unicellular organism ------------------------ 1 m
P1 - Oxygen is higher concentration in the water / surrounding
compare to in the Amoeba sp. / Paramecium sp. / unicellular
P2 - (so) Oxygen will diffuse from the water into Amoeba sp. /
Paramecium sp. /the unicellular organism
P3 - Carbon dioxide is higher concentration in the Amoeba sp. /
Paramecium sp. / unicellular organism compare to in the
water / surrounding
P4 - (so) Carbon dioxide will diffuse from the Amoeba sp. /
Paramecium sp. / unicellular organism to the water /
F2 + any 2P --------------------------------------------------------------- 2 m
3 m
  1. i)
Amoeba sp.
Structure /
Living processes
Paramecium sp.
Number of
contractile vacuole
Cilia / Cillium
Number of nucleus
Two /
Micronucleus & macronucleus
With the help of pseudopodium
Movement / Locomotion
With the help of
the cillium
Binary Fission or form spores when it’s in unfavourable condition
Binary Fission or conjugation when it’s in unfavourable condition
* any 4 correct differences ------------------------------ 4 marks
· Situation 1(S1) : Plant is not enough water ------------------------ 1mark
P1 – Transpiration is higher than water absorption -------------- 1 mark
P2 – More water molecules will diffuse out from stomata ------ 1 mark
3 marks
· Situation 2(S2) : Ecessive fertilizer given to the plant ----------- 1 mark
P1 – The soil becomes hypertonic // Root hair cell becomes hypotonic,
due to ecessive fertilizer. --------------------------------------- 1 mark
P2 – Water molecules will diffuse out from the root hair cells to the
soil ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 mark
P3 – by / due to / via OSMOSIS ------------------------------------ 1 mark
* S2 + any 2P = 3 marks

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Dengan seramai 9 orang yang memperolehi 'straight A', keputusan subjek Biologi ada sedikit kemerosotan..namun subjek Biologi masih tetap dapat mengekalkan, gred terendah yang diperolehi hanya setakat C; tiada D mahupun E.

Berikut adalah keputusan penuhnya :

A = 6 orang (6.98%)
A- = 9 orang (10.5%)
B+ = 17 orang (19.8%)
B = 23 orang (26.7%)
C+ = 27 orang (31.4%)
C = 4 orang (4.65%)

Sekalung tahniah & syabas kepada semua, terutama yang telah menyumbangkan A kepada subjek ini untuk tahun ini.

Kepada calon-calon SPM tahun 2010, semoga anda akan dapat mencipta sejarah yang setanding dengan kecemerlangan yang diharapkan.. Insya Allah...

Selamat Datang....


Atas kekangan yang ada, hari ini baru dapat di'maujud'kan Blog Panitia Biologi ini. Maaf dipinta.... Semoga akan lebih banyak ruang waktu untuk ditambahkan kualiti Blog kita bersama ini...