Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Skema Jawapan Ujian 1 Tkn 4

1. C 11.C
2. B 12.C
3. D 13.D
4. D 14.A
5. B 15.B
6. A 16.C
7. A 17.C
8. B 18.B
9. A 19.D
10.D 20.B
1. a) K = liver
L = stomach 4 correct – 2 m
M = duodenum 2 or 3 correct – 1 m
N = ileum (small intestine – REJECT) 1 only correct – 0 m
b) Cell à Tissue à Organ à System à Organism -------------------------- 1 m
c) Shoot system --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1m
List the organ : leaf / flower / bud / stem / shoot / fruit ------ (any 2) ---- 2 m
Root system ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 m
List the organ : root / root hair ------------------------------------------------ 2 m
d) i) Nervous system / Integumentary system /
Circulatory system / Muscular system /
Endocrine system ----------------------------------------- (any 2) ---- 2 m
ii) Nervous system – detect the changes(increases or decreases) of
Integumentary system – stop or increase sweating process.
Circulatory system – blood vessel(arteriole) will either constrict
(vasoconstriction) or dilate(vasodilation).
Muscular system – hair erector muscle will either contract to raise the
hairs or relax to lower the hairs.
Endocrine system – secrete more or less adrenaline / thyroxine hormone.
* any 2 correct explanation ------------- 2 m
2. a) X = phospholipid bilayer ------------------------------------------- 1 m
Y = carrier protein --------------------------------------------------- 1 m
Z = pore / channel protein ------------------------------------------ 1 m
b) i) 1. hydrophilic head ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 m
2. hydrophobic tail ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 m
ii) Characteristic : semi permeable / selectively permeable membrane ---- 1 m
Explanation : a membrane that allows only certain molecules /
substances / particles to pass through it -------------------- 1 m
iii) Main function :
Acts as a barrier between the internal & external environment of the cell //
Allows only specific molecules to pass through it //
Provide the structural basis for all cell membrane -------(any 1) --------- 1 m
c) i) Simple diffusion ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 m
ii) Example :
· F1 : Gasses exchange at alveolus / body cells/tissues ---------------- 1 m
P1 - Oxygen that is in higher concentration at the alveolus
compare to in the blood capillary,
P2 - (so) Oxygen will diffuse from the alveolus to the blood
P3 - Carbon dioxide that is more concentrated in the blood
capillary compare to in the alveolus
P4 - (so) Carbon dioxide will diffuse from the blood capillary to
the alveolus
F1 + any 2P --------------------------------------------------------------- 2 m
3 m
* similar explanation for at body cell/tissue
· F2 : Gasses exchange in unicellular organism ------------------------ 1 m
P1 - Oxygen is higher concentration in the water / surrounding
compare to in the Amoeba sp. / Paramecium sp. / unicellular
P2 - (so) Oxygen will diffuse from the water into Amoeba sp. /
Paramecium sp. /the unicellular organism
P3 - Carbon dioxide is higher concentration in the Amoeba sp. /
Paramecium sp. / unicellular organism compare to in the
water / surrounding
P4 - (so) Carbon dioxide will diffuse from the Amoeba sp. /
Paramecium sp. / unicellular organism to the water /
F2 + any 2P --------------------------------------------------------------- 2 m
3 m
  1. i)
Amoeba sp.
Structure /
Living processes
Paramecium sp.
Number of
contractile vacuole
Cilia / Cillium
Number of nucleus
Two /
Micronucleus & macronucleus
With the help of pseudopodium
Movement / Locomotion
With the help of
the cillium
Binary Fission or form spores when it’s in unfavourable condition
Binary Fission or conjugation when it’s in unfavourable condition
* any 4 correct differences ------------------------------ 4 marks
· Situation 1(S1) : Plant is not enough water ------------------------ 1mark
P1 – Transpiration is higher than water absorption -------------- 1 mark
P2 – More water molecules will diffuse out from stomata ------ 1 mark
3 marks
· Situation 2(S2) : Ecessive fertilizer given to the plant ----------- 1 mark
P1 – The soil becomes hypertonic // Root hair cell becomes hypotonic,
due to ecessive fertilizer. --------------------------------------- 1 mark
P2 – Water molecules will diffuse out from the root hair cells to the
soil ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 mark
P3 – by / due to / via OSMOSIS ------------------------------------ 1 mark
* S2 + any 2P = 3 marks

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